Jan 27, 2006

Telecommuter Tax Fairness Act

As many of you know, I work from home. In the course of some of my projects I am, at times, considered a telecommuter. The following article, written in November, affects myself along with many of my "co-workers" and friends. Please take a second to read the article.

Telecommuters: Beware the Tax Man

I ask that once you read the article, if you agree that this act should be accepted and put into action by Congress, please go here and sign the online petition. This topic is coming back up in the Senate in May, I believe.

In my opinion this is double taxation and very unfair to those who telecommute, especially those of us who are trying to raise a family the way it should be raised by being at home, but who realize that a one income family just isn't gonna cut it now-a-days.

Thank you all dearly for your help and support!

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