Jul 18, 2006

Where the heck am I?

That's probably what everyone is wondering hu?

Unfortunately, I have had to take a job outside the home. Don't fret...I'm still working at home when I have jobs and I am continuing to build my websites.

Hubby and I sat down and made a 5 year plan and in order for it to work the VA work either had to make a tremendous jump immediately or I had to go back to work outside the home for awhile. You see we have BIG plans and I don't want to make mistakes I've made in the past and ruin those plans only to have to get a job outside the home forever. The plan is that I work only 5 years. The baby will be in school then and I will be able to stay at home and work during the day while the boys are at school, leaving the evenings and weekends free (or atleast more free) to spend with them and the hubster!

I won't lie, I'm not extremely happy about having to work outside the home and leave my boys with a sitter, but you gotta do what you gotta do! Besides, the boys are staying with their grandparents so it's ok. I don't feel the heart strings being pulled all the time when I'm away from them and I don't have a thing to worry about when they are there.

My VA business is picking up and I love it. I actually had 3 new clients in the past 4 weeks. If all keeps going well I may not have to work away from home for as long...that's MY goal anyhow! So, if I'm not posting as much as usual it's because the time I have online will be spent working on doing the things I need to do to bring myself back home and still sticking with our goals!

To all my online friends...I MISS YOU ALL!!!

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