Sep 5, 2007

It's Only 8 AM

Zachman headed back to school yesterday and so now we're on a routine of sorts around here. Needless to say this mama is having a hard time adjusting! I got in the habit of working late at night over the summer, but now that school's back in session I have to be up at 5:30 every morning. uugghh!

Did pretty good yesterday, hit the snooze button until 6AM, but I got up and had plenty of time to get Zach up, ready and headed off on the bus just after 7. I even chatted with the newest neighbor for awhile after the kids took off to school. Actually, I chatted with her over coffee until almost 10, yesterday. It was definitely a nice change of pace for me. But...there's always a but isn't there? It kind of put me behind for the rest of the day.

Today, I ended up sleeping until almost 20 minutes to 7 and had hubby not called, well I'd probably still be sleeping. :) Actually nah I wouldn't have because our neighbor's kids came over to catch the bus here since Mom had to head back to work today.

I was seriously considering heading back to bed once I got them all on the bus, but instead I came in did a bit of work, put last night's clean dishes away, vacuumed the living room and the office, made Hunter and I blueberry waffles, AND typed one blog entry (make it 2 now). All BEFORE 8:30 AM! Woah Baby...don't know what's gotten into me, but I like it and hope it lasts the whole day through...I could definitely use a productive day today!

Here's to everyone having a great and productive day! Let me know how yours went in the comments section.

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