Today's Work at Home Tip comes to you from Judith Davis of Market What You Make and deals with networking. Judith's tip is a great one so on to it:
Network, Network, Network!
"Many WAHM (and SAHM) feel isolated. They do a great job, but don’t have the support system they need. Networking helps that. It will also help you find possible clients, joint ventures and so on."
Business owners, whether online or brick and mortar offline businesses, need contacts. We as business owners need to get out and network in some form or another, especially if we are work at home moms whose lives revolve around being at home 90% of the time.
If you build it, they will come! - Don't we all wish.
Wouldn't it be nice to just slap up a website and immediately have visitors who are interested in what you have to offer? Wonderful...Yes. Likely...No!
It might have worked for Kevin Costner in Field of Dreams, but it simply does NOT work that way outside of Hollywood movie cameras. As an online business owner you are vying for business amidst millions of other business owners from all over the world - many of which are offering the same product or service as you do!
So, how do you set yourself apart and make those contacts in the beginning, but also throughout the life of your business?That's where networking comes in and, as Judith points out in her tip - this is how you keep from feeling so isolated as a work at home mom too. You get out and meet people. Here are a few places that I personally have and continue to network with other work at home moms and online business owners.
1. Forums & Message Board
Here are a few of my favorites:
- Moms Talk Forum - Mom talk without all the gossip that is all too common in the outside world. Talk about your kids, your relationships, television, movies, and just anything in general. You'll have a great time here!
- Internet Based Moms - A forum for moms who work from home or want to full of tons of information to help you start and grow your own business, whether it's online or off
- Twitter - I do business and personal chatting here.
- Stumble Upon - You can post your favorite websites and pages here, as well as see what others find interesting on the net.
There are tons of these types of groups online and based on the type of business you run and the people you want to learn from you'll find one that's perfect for you.
- Mom Masterminds - I credit this group of wonderful ladies for much of the success I am experiencing as a work at home mom! After 6 months of membership I opened my VA business doors and within 6 months after doing so I was making enough to pay the monthly bills here at home from that business.
So, get out there and network, but remember to pull the reins before it takes over your whole day!
That being said, I'm off to get some work done. Before I go, don't forget to let me know where some of your favorite places to network online with other business owners or other moms are.
Excellent post Arika! Networking with focus is a great combination - grow your business, interact so you don't feel like an island and have fun! Sounds good to me!
I used to network alot and got off track and wasted so much time. I need to get back into networking some more but with focus! thanks!
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