Aug 23, 2006

My First Online Interview...FINITO!

Well, it's done! I had my very first ever online interview last night.

Nell, the owner of Telecommuting Moms , called and interviewed me for her Telecommuting Moms Month event next month. The topic was taxes and how they pertain to those who telecommute specifically independent contractors. I had posted last week that I was going to be doing the interview with her, but it had to get rescheduled.

I love working with other work at home moms because they completely get the "my kids come first" attitude so when something goes wrong and you need to be with your kiddos they understand and don't fault you for it in the least bit. Nell and I both have had to reschedule this particular interview a few times due to family needs. But as of last night...the interview is finally done.

I was so nervous going into the interview and Nell made it so easy. I lost my nervousness pretty quick. She's so laid back and loves to laugh (thank goodness because we were laughing ALOT). I know that it may not seem quite as professional as many would think but that's ok because I, as well as Nell, are who we are and we truly believe that moms looking to work from home will appreciate the fact that we 'keep it real'.

Nell sent me the link to the interview last night and I listened this morning. Wow, it's weird listening to yourself talk about "important stuff"! :) If I had it to do over again yes, there are a few things I would have changed, but all in all, I would leave it the way it is.

You'll have to head over to Telecommuting Moms Month and check out all the cool stuff that Nell has planned. She will be offering the interview 'on demand' the week of September 25 - 29. Head on over and check it out!


Anonymous said...

I had a wonderful time with you Arika and it was a good time. Even through the laughter I learned a lot from you and I know others will too!

Mama Arika said...

Thanks Nell. I hope they learn something other than when they get you and I together there will be alot of laughing! :)